BL41XU experiment from the beamline training at CCP4 SPring-8 school 2018
Raw X-ray diffraction images collected in the beamline training in day 2 of CCP4 SPring-8 school 2018
On BL41XU, fine/coarse phi-slicing and radiation damage were demonstrated using thermolysin crystals. Datasets were collected using EIGER X 16M detector at 1.2824 Å wavelength. Beam size was 37.0 × 23.0 μm2. Here data from group 2 are available. See an Excel file for experimental conditions. Briefly, oscillation steps of 1° (data03) and 0.1° (data01) were tested under a total dose of 0.4 MGy, and radiation damage at 100 MGy (data02) and 10 MGy (data04) was demonstrated. You may also want to try phasing by Zn-SAD? For our EIGER data file format please look at
Other entries at CCP4 SPring-8 school 2018