Published September 28, 2018 | Version 1
Report Open

Report about a workshop on sensitive data: Repositories for sharing individual participant data from clinical trials and existing tools/services for storing clinical trial data

  • 1. Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, IRCCS, Milan, Italy
  • 2. Canham Information Systems, Surrey, UK
  • 3. European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN), Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 4. Coordination Centre for Clinical Trials, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 5. IMProving Accesss to Clincal Trial data (IMPACT) Observatory, Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS), Split, Croatia
  • 6. European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN), Paris, France


The workshop on sensitive data was performed within the CORBEL project and was held on 14 June 2018 in Paris, France. The report was prepared by the CORBEL WT3.3 project group and covers the following areas:

1.         Background (from the CORBEL project)

2.         Assessment of existing repositories for sharing individual participant data (IPD) from clinical trials
(Study protocol (March 2018), Status report on assessment of data repositories (June 2018))

3.         Survey of existing tools/services for storing clinical trial data



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CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services 654248
European Commission