Published September 15, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Optimizing the time costs of passenger transport of people with disabilities

  • 1. Akaki Tsereteli State University


The paper dwells on a mathematical model of the logistical system of transport services for persons with disabilities, and there have been analyzed factors that affect the time spent on their transportation. When developing methodology for optimizing the time costs of passenger transport of persons with disabilities, the following two basic transportation services have been taken into account: “Social Taxi”, which will transport only people with special health; b) vehicle system in combination with urban passenger transport, which will transport representatives of the group of people with restricted mobility together with all other passengers. The study found that in the case of insufficient access to the required environment, by the increase in the demand of disabled people for transportation by "social taxi", travel costs are increased that results in increasing total costs of the carrier. When determining the expenses of passengers, it is necessary to take into account the additional time, which the disabled persons need for boarding and alighting in buses at the stopping points, on average 2–3.5 minutes.


This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) [No 217764, Adaptation of Disabled People in the Logistics System of Passenger Transport].


Gogiashvili P., Chogovadze J., Lekveishvili G., Kbilashvili D.pdf

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