Published February 14, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Supporting data for: "Long lasting mucoadhesive membrane based on alginate and chitosan for intravaginal drug delivery."

  • 1. Technical University of Denmark
  • 2. Politecnico di Torino
  • 3. University of Trieste


The document is a collection of supporting information for the manuscript titled: "Long lasting mucoadhesive membrane based on alginate and chitosan for intravaginal drug delivery".

The supporting information include: a) the stress-strain curves obtained from the compression studies of alginate, alginate/chitosan and alginate/chitosan + metronidazole after soaking in a simulated vaginal fluid for 10 minutes; b) a figure depicting an alginate/chitosan + metronidazole dry membrane before and after rupture during a tensile stress test; c) a figure showing a sample alginate/chitosan + metronidazole dry membrane being manually folded; d) the raw and processed data of the swelling studies in milliQ water and simulated vaginal fluid; e) the raw and processed data of the degradation studies in simulated vaginal fluid; f) the results of the antibacterial studies for both Gardnerella vaginalis and Staphilococcus aureus as raw and processed data; and g) an example of a Staphilococcus aureus growth in Petri dishes after treatment with alginate/chitosan and alginate/chitosan + metronidazole.



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