Published August 23, 2018 | Version v1
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The role of information structure for morphosyntactic choices in Tagalog


In this paper we investigate the influence of two information structure (IS) related aspects
on the choice of voice form and sentence structure by Tagalog speakers. The first is the infor-
mation status of argument referents. Tagalog is a multiple voice language, so almost every
semantic argument in a sentence can be turned into the privileged syntactic argument (or
subject) and be rendered salient. Information status of the undergoer has been argued to play
an important role in voice and subject selection. The second IS-related aspect is the inherent
structure of a discourse as determined by the implicit questions under discussion (QUDs)
that are answered with each subsequent sentence in a text. The default sentence in Tagalog
starts with a verb. Inversion constructions, i.e. sentences that start with an argument phrase
instead of a verb, are described as motivated by information structure considerations such
as focus-background or contrastive-topic-focus packaging. Based on a novel QUD approach,
we will work out the discourse structure and at-issue contents of five short texts and show
the important role of implicit QUDs and parallelisms on the choice of voice and constituent



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