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Published August 15, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Wind Turbine Noise: Regulations, Siting, Perceptions and Noise Reduction Technologies

  • 1. Baylor University USA


Wind turbines are supplying a n increasingly larger portion of the world’s energy production. Current wind contributions are at 48 7 GW and this will only grow with time. With the emerging demand for energy comes the necessity to consider the environmental impact of wind energy. Preliminary studies for new sites should consider topics ranging from local State and Federal regulations to biological impacts such as hazards to birds, bats, other wildlife, vegetation, water resources, visual aesthetics, cultural and historic re sources, public health and safety, impact on communications, air quality and climate impacts, and sound generation.

Particularly for land based wind turbines, noise generation is a necessary topic of study. As wind turbines become widespread and encroach on populated areas, the noise becomes more noticeable and annoying. In the United States, a large number of wind farms are located in unpopulated regions where noise is not a significant issue. In Europe and other locations with a high population density, the generation of noise from using wind turbines is more noticeable and problematic.

This paper will examine noise issues related to wind turbines. It will begin by describing how noise is generated. Next, perception of noise is discussed. This becomes important when people and dwellings are located near wind turbines. Background noise has an effect on how people perceive noise or, rather, how noise changes. The site setting/topography is an important part of the installation process and fact or in the noise perception of the area surrounding the turbine.

Noise regulations worldwide are not standardized and usually depend on the local ordinances. A preliminary discussion of international regulations and how they vary between location and country will be undertaken. Regulations are important impacting possible site locations and, therefore, the growth of wind energy. Solving the issues associated with wind turbine noise generation will go a long way in promoting wind as one of the alternative energy generation technologies.

Noise should be considered when designing any wind turbine, specifically low frequency noise related to RPM and airfoil selection. Technologies are being studied for their contributions to noise reduction. The paper will examine some of the technologies intended to reduce noise on wind turbines .



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