Published May 7, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A Preliminary Study into Turbofan Performance with LP-HP Power Exchange

  • 1. University of Nottingham, UK


Once an engine is designed, its Low Pressure (LP) and High Pressure (HP) shaft speeds are inevitably thermodynamically coupled which imposes certain operational constraints. These spools are not mechanically connected, however, in future more electric aircraft with electrical machines linked to both HP and LP shafts it is possible to transfer power between them electrically seeking for optimized operation depending on Engine Operating Mode (EOM). This paper investigates possible achievements of the novel configuration of power circulation between shafts using turbofan model, developed by Inter-Component Volume (ICV) method. Results show that a considerable improvement can be achieved not only in fuel consumption but also in surge margin of compressors along with providing ability to have compatible thrust with flight mission.



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