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Published June 30, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Scheduling in Virtual Infrastructure for High-Throughput Computing

  • 1. UPC-Barcelona Tech, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2. Dept. of CSE, BITS, Warangal, AP, India
  • 3. Dept. of CSE, JITS, Warangal, AP, India


For the execution of the scientific applications, different methods have been proposed to dynamically provide execution environments for such applications that hide the complexity of underlying distributed and heterogeneous infrastructures. Recently virtualization has emerged as a promising technology to provide such environments. Virtualization is a technology that abstracts away the details of physical hardware and provides virtualized resources for high-level scientific applications. Virtualization offers a cost-effective and flexible way to use and manage computing resources. Such an abstraction is appealing in Grid computing and Cloud computing for better matching jobs (applications) to computational resources. This work applies the virtualization concept to the Condor dynamic resource management system by using Condor Virtual Universe to harvest the existing virtual computing resources to their maximum utility. It allows existing computing resources to be dynamically provisioned at run-time by users based on application requirements instead of statically at design-time thereby lay the basis for efficient use of the
available resources, thus providing way for the efficient use of the available resources.



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