Published January 15, 2015 | Version 10000133
Journal article Open

Detection of Lard in Binary Animal Fats and Vegetable Oils Mixtures and in Some Commercial Processed Foods


Animal fats (camel, sheep, goat, rabbit and chicken)
and vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, palm oil and olive oil) were
substituted with different proportions (1, 5, 10 and 20%) of lard.
Fatty acid composition in TG and 2-MG were determined using
lipase hydrolysis and gas chromatography before and after
adulteration. Results indicated that, genuine lard had a high
proportion (60.97%) of the total palmitic acid at 2-MG. However, it
was 8.70%, 16.40%, 11.38%, 10.57%, 29.97 and 8.97% for camel,
beef, sheep, goat, rabbit and chicken, respectively. It could be noticed
also the position-2-MG is mostly occupied by unsaturated fatty acids
among all tested fats except lard. Vegetable oils (corn, sunflower,
palm oil and olive oil) revealed that the levels of palmitic acid
esterifies at 2-MG position was 6.84, 1.43, 9.86 and 1.70%,
respectively. It could be observed also the studied oils had a higher
level of unsaturated fatty acids in the same position, compared with
animal fats under investigation. Moreover, palmitic acid esterifies at
2-MG and PAEF increased gradually as the substituted levels
increased among all tested fat and oil samples. Statistical analysis
showed that the PAEF correlated well with lard level. The detection
of lard in some commercial processed foods (5 French fries, 4 Butter
fats, 5 processed meat and 6 candy samples) was carried out. Results
revealed that 2 samples of French fries and 4 samples of processed
meat contained lard due to their higher PAEF, while butter fat and
candy were free of lard.



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