Published September 30, 2017 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Transcurssive Logic as Method

  • 1. Institute of Philosophy and of the Institute of Linguistics - Lecturer in the General Psychology Department – Lecturer in the Philosophical Aspects of Physical-Mathematical Science Department - Faculty of Philosophy and Letters - Teacher and Researcher in Artificial Intelligence in the Mechatronics Career - Faculty of Engineering - National University of Cuyo - Email for correspondence:


The purpose of this paper is to present the Transcurssive Logic as an auxiliary or complementary method of investigation. This approach differs from the general scientific method in which the research process begins or is sustained in the perspective from which the subject observes reality. This is undoubtedly the only way to highlight what has been so often proclaimed by objective science and rarely accepted, such as intuition and imagination (creation) that leads to finding an answer to small or large enigmas of our world. On the other hand, it will be evident that there is no other way to create new knowledge on a given issue. We present the different levels of approach to reality that must be ‘passed’ if we want to fully characterize this fabulous enigma that represents to investigate the frame of reference where our life unfolds.


ARTICLE 1, Vol 3, No 3, Transcurssive Logic as Method.pdf

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