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Published April 1, 2018 | Version 10008967
Journal article Open

A Fast, Portable Computational Framework for Aerodynamic Simulations


We develop a fast, user-friendly implementation of
a potential flow solver based on the unsteady vortex lattice
method (UVLM). The computational framework uses the Python
programming language which has easy integration with the scripts
requiring computationally-expensive operations written in Fortran.
The mixed-language approach enables high performance in terms
of solution time and high flexibility in terms of easiness of code
adaptation to different system configurations and applications. This
computational tool is intended to predict the unsteady aerodynamic
behavior of multiple moving bodies (e.g., flapping wings, rotating
blades, suspension bridges...) subject to an incoming air. We
simulate different aerodynamic problems to validate and illustrate
the usefulness and effectiveness of the developed computational tool.



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