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Published November 1, 2017 | Version 10008298
Journal article Open

Object Detection in Digital Images under Non-Standardized Conditions Using Illumination and Shadow Filtering


In recent years, object detection has gained much
attention and very encouraging research area in the field of computer
vision. The robust object boundaries detection in an image is
demanded in numerous applications of human computer interaction
and automated surveillance systems. Many methods and approaches
have been developed for automatic object detection in various fields,
such as automotive, quality control management and environmental
services. Inappropriately, to the best of our knowledge, object
detection under illumination with shadow consideration has not
been well solved yet. Furthermore, this problem is also one of
the major hurdles to keeping an object detection method from the
practical applications. This paper presents an approach to automatic
object detection in images under non-standardized environmental
conditions. A key challenge is how to detect the object, particularly
under uneven illumination conditions. Image capturing conditions
the algorithms need to consider a variety of possible environmental
factors as the colour information, lightening and shadows varies
from image to image. Existing methods mostly failed to produce the
appropriate result due to variation in colour information, lightening
effects, threshold specifications, histogram dependencies and colour
ranges. To overcome these limitations we propose an object detection
algorithm, with pre-processing methods, to reduce the interference
caused by shadow and illumination effects without fixed parameters.
We use the Y CrCb colour model without any specific colour
ranges and predefined threshold values. The segmented object regions
are further classified using morphological operations (Erosion and
Dilation) and contours. Proposed approach applied on a large image
data set acquired under various environmental conditions for wood
stack detection. Experiments show the promising result of the
proposed approach in comparison with existing methods.



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