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Published July 16, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Making it count: a computational approach to attribution

  • 1. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • 2. University of Iowa
  • 3. Oregon Health & Science University


People from a diverse array of backgrounds play important roles in research, often in ways that cannot be quantified through traditional metrics of scholarly impact. This demands better approaches to evaluate and ultimately communicate scholarly outcomes beyond the narrow criteria of publications and grants. It is imperative to develop a structure to track a much wider diversity of contributor roles and research objects - and do so in a manner that is easily populated with real data. This presentation will share details about the project, our team and approach, upcoming opportunities to collaborate, metrics for success, and integration and application of this work to date.



Preprint submitted to RO2018 workshop at IEEE eScience Conference 2018


CD2H_IEEE - Research Objects Abstract.pdf

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