Published July 15, 2018 | Version v1
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Climatically unjustified boreal forests in the South-Kuril Islands

  • 1. Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences


Forest phytobiota plays an exceptionally important backbone part in the establishment and development of insular–arc volcanic ecosystems in North–West Pacific. The optimizing strategy program for the development of plant communities, which is aimed at the maximum biomass formation on forest island–arc landscapes, is much more marked compared to their zonal analogs on the neighboring continent. An exceptionally high percentage of green mass in the structure of production results in the acceleration of biological cycle as a factor of stability of forest community. Quantitative assessment of the effects of magmatic energy of active volcano on the thermal regimes of soil and forest formation in an insular volcanic landscape, has been made for the first time. Geothermal energy is a factor of accelerated evolution of the island phytobiota. All the above ensures the survival and development of insular ecosystems of the boreal North–West Pacific under unfavorable conditions of “cold” oceanicity.


Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект № 14–05–00032–а.


Коломыц Э. Г., Шарая Л. С., Сурова Н. А. .pdf

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