Published August 25, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open




Present study deals with the evaluation of hostel kitchen wastes vermicomposted using Eisenia foetida for growth study of
Ladies finger (Ablemoschus esculentus) preparation of Hostel Kitchen waste vermicompost and its physico-chemical
parameters were analyzed, enumeration of microorganisms bacteria, fungi and actinomyces from vermicompost,
preparation of vermiwash and vermicompost extract and its physico-chemical parameters were analyzed, growth
parameters and biochemical characteristics also studied of Ladies finger. The Hostel Kitchen waste vermicompost was
studied the physico-chemical parameters like pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total
phosphorous, total potassium and C:N (ratio) were studied. The number of colony forming unit of the vermicompost of
Bacteria, Fungi and Actinomyces. After preparation of vermicompost, vermiwash and vermicompost extract was prepared
using after 45 days worked healthy earthworm. The physico-chemical parameters of vermiwash and vermicompost extract
also studied. The growth parameters like, seed germination, shoot length, root length, total fresh weight, total dry weight,
leaf area index and vigour index were studied and biochemical characteristics such as chlorophyll a & b, total chlorophyll,
carotenoide and anthocyanin were estimated. Based on the results growth parameters and biochemical characteristics were
higher in ladies finger treatments 5 and 6 using various concentration of vermicompost, vermiwash and vermicompost


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