Published December 22, 2017 | Version V4 | Final
Project deliverable Open

e-ROSA D1.5 - Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap


This deliverable provides an update on the progress of the activities carried out under Work Package 1 “Ecosystem & Community” and is the continuation of Deliverable 1.4 “Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap (M6)”. In particular:

It presents the updating process of the bibliometric analysis that supports the scoping of the community of scientific experts working within e-ROSA’s scope and discusses the revised approach and next steps;

It gives an overview of the main characteristics and population process of the e-ROSA online map, which seeks to identify key stakeholders and networks that belong to the e-ROSA Stakeholder Community and that can support and/or benefit from a future e infrastructure for agri-food science;

It presents the first version of the vision paper that was elaborated by e-ROSA partners as a first input towards the final roadmap document.

This deliverable will be updated one last time at the end of the project (D1.6).


Synthesis of results & contribution to roadmap (M12).pdf

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e-ROSA – Towards an e-infrastructure Roadmap for Open Science in Agriculture 730988
European Commission