Published June 29, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



In the space of modern culture and society, the question of dialogue between different
ethnic groups, traditions and confessions is actualized. It is the dialogue of cultures contributing
to solving many problems of a planetary scale – environmental, economic, moral and ethical, etc.
The most important condition for the survival of modern civilization is a multicultural inner
dialogue between cultures that will promote cultural interchange, interaction of cultures
worldwide. In the process of developing a dialogue of cultures a significant place is religion.
History is full of many examples of the intolerable attitude of religions to each other. However,
in today's world, the trend of tolerance is spreading: more and more people are convinced of the
need for peaceful cooperation between cultures and religions. Certain religions and confessions
are increasingly beginning to operate in areas that historically belonged to other communities.
This region is the eastern part of Ukraine, the majority of believers confess here the Orthodox
faith. However, since the 90s of the twentieth century. in the eastern part of Ukraine, the
structures of the Roman Catholic Church are reviving. It should be noted that they existed in pre-
October time, but served foreigners or their descendants. The local orthodox population did not
have the right to rely on Catholic faith, such an act was a criminal offense. Today the situation is
fundamentally different: modern society professes the idea of freedom of religion. Now a
Catholic can become any person at will and Catholic clergy to work with believers, svtohlyad are
formed within different cultural traditions. Therefore, the local Roman Catholic hierarchy tries to
find adequate methods of inculcation in the Eastern Ukrainian society.



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