Published June 17, 2018 | Version v1
Video/Audio Restricted

Tawang Dungjur Festival 2013 - Day 1

  • 1. Bern University/Tezpur University


This collection of videos and photos displays the three days of Tawang Dungjur festival in 2013. It was held for three days, on 1st, 2nd and 3rd October 2013. The files are saved on three separate DOIs, each for one of the dates. The focus of these recordings is mainly on the dances are that unique to the Tawang Dungjur festival, rather than those in common with the tshecu festivals organised in Tibet, Bhutan and, indeed, across much of the Tibetan Buddhist world. These ‘local’ dances not only teach the audience lessons from Buddhism, but are also greatly entertaining. A detailed description of these dances would be welcomed.

Unfortunately, by the time these files were archived and saved on Zenodo, five years had passed and not much about the order and meaning of the dances could be remembered. In due course of time, a second version of this accompanying document will contain more detailed information on what is exactly depicted in the videos and pictures.



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Strategische Zielsetzungen im Subkontinent 100015_138331
Swiss National Science Foundation