Published September 8, 2014 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

IRMAS: a dataset for instrument recognition in musical audio signals

  • 1. Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain


This dataset includes musical audio excerpts with annotations of the predominant instrument(s) present. It was used for the evaluation in the following article:

Bosch, J. J., Janer, J., Fuhrmann, F., & Herrera, P. “A Comparison of Sound Segregation Techniques for Predominant Instrument Recognition in Musical Audio Signals”, in Proc. ISMIR (pp. 559-564), 2012

Please Acknowledge IRMAS in Academic Research

IRMAS is intended to be used for training and testing methods for the automatic recognition of predominant instruments in musical audio. The instruments considered are: cello, clarinet, flute, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, organ, piano, saxophone, trumpet, violin, and human singing voice. This dataset is derived from the one compiled by Ferdinand Fuhrmann in his PhD thesis, with the difference that we provide audio data in stereo format, the annotations in the testing dataset are limited to specific pitched instruments, and there is a different amount and lenght of excerpts.

Using this dataset

When IRMAS is used for academic research, we would highly appreciate if scientific publications of works partly based on the IRMAS dataset quote the above publication.

We are interested in knowing if you find our datasets useful! If you use our dataset please email us at and tell us about your research.


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