Published June 15, 2018 | Version v1
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Features of sulfur accumulation in needles Pinus sylvestris L. in conditions of industrial dump

  • 1. ., Federal Research Centre Coal and Coal Chemistry of SB RAS "Institute of Human Ecology"


The article analyzes the results of the content of total and exogenous sulfur in the needles of Pinus sylvestris, growing in conditions of the Kedrovsky coal mine. Some changes in metabolic processes were revealed, which were expressed in the accumulation of sulfur dioxide.

In pine needles, an increase in this indicator was observed on average by 18-32% relative to control.

The level of accumulation of exogenous sulfur in the samples under study did not exceed the background values. Experimental data can be used in assessing the state of woody plants in the anthropogenic environment.


Работа выполнена в рамках реализации государственного задания ФИЦ УУХ СО РАН (Проект № 0352-2016-0002).


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