NOvA Results and Prospects
NOvA is one of the World's leading long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments in operation. It uses the 700 kW NuMI neutrino beam at Fermilab directed towards northern Minnesota in the US. Two functionally identical scintillator-based detectors are placed at off-axis locations, separated by 810 km, largely canceling many systematic uncertainties for neutrino oscillation measurements. By analyzing neutrino charged-current interactions in these detectors, the NOvA experiment studies muon neutrino disappearance and electron neutrino appearance to probe still undetermined physics parameters, such as the neutrino mass ordering, CP violation and the octant of the large mixing angle. NOvA can also study the disappearance of all three known neutrino flavors by analyzing neutral current interactions, thus enabling searches for physics beyond the three-flavor paradigm, such as mixing with light sterile neutrinos. In this talk, I will present the latest NOvA results including the complete neutrino data sample taken to date, and the first results using new antineutrino data collected by the experiment since February 2017. Future running plans and physics reach will be discussed.
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