Published May 3, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The materials of the lustration acts and revisions of Polish Government in XVI–XVII in scientifi c research of Ukrainian history of A. Yablonovskyi


  • 1. post-graduate student of History of Ukraine Department, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.


The purpose of the article is to analyse the historical and statistical researches of Ukrainian land by
Polish scientist A. Yablonovskyi, that were contained in his publications «Źródła dziejowe», that was published
in the second half of XIX century. This historical edition became one of the largest editions in the Polish
and Ukrainian historiographies of the XIX century. Methods of historiography, synthesis and methods for
comparing were used.
The article attempted to analyze a value of the statistical sources for study of the history of Ukrainian
land in XVI–XVІII. The pecularities of the research of lustration of Ukrainian lands in the 1-st part of XVII
and castle revisions, that is very important for the analysis of social and economical conditions in XVI–
XVІII century, were described. The analysis of the works of the historian «Starostwa Ukrainne w pierwszej
połowie XVII wieku» and «Ziemia Wołyńska w połowie XVI-gowieku» was made. These works were based on
investigated and published historical materials by A. Yablonovskyi.



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