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Published May 15, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Interpretation of the possibilities of modern methods of ray diagnostics with prostate cancer

  • 1. Ogarev Mordovia State University
  • 2. Republican Oncology Center
  • 3. Pervomaisk Central District Hospital


This article is of an overview of nature and is devoted to one of the most popular areas of modern oncology — prostate cancer. In this article, the current problems of diagnosing prostate cancer and the current state of the problem are highlighted, as well as the clinically important methods of radiation diagnosis.


Пушкин Б. О., Кулаев М. Т., Альмяшев А. З., Стрежнев А. К., Пушкина Н. Б. Интерпретация .pdf

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2414-2948 (ISSN)