Published May 1, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience-A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Regenerate Image from a Reduce Scaled Image Using Bit Data Count

  • 1. Ph.D. Student, Computer Science University of Memphis, United States of America


Small scaled image lost some important bits of information which cannot be recovered when
scaled back. Using multi-objective genetic algorithm, we can recover these lost bits. In this paper,
we described a genetic algorithm approach to recover lost bits while image resized to the smaller
version using the original image data bit counts which are stored while the image is scaled. This
method is very scalable to apply in a distributed system. Also, the same method can be applied to
recover error bits in any types of data blocks. In this paper, we showed proof of concept by
providing the implementation and results.



A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Regenerate Image from a Reduce Scaled Image.pdf