Published May 7, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Despite the prevalence of homeotheleuton as a stylistic
means of expression in Ukrainian poetic speech, researchers of our country have not paid
enough attention to it yet. It is not even mentioned in stylistics textbooks, dictionaries of linguistic
and literary terms, though occasionally appear researches on the expressive means of French language
space. On the grounds of the Ukrainian language, such studies were not conducted, so that
determines the relevance of the problem.
The purpose of the proposed study is to clarify the peculiarities of the implementation of
homeotheleuton as a stylistic figure in the language of Ukrainian poetry of the second half of the
XX century and the beginning of the XXI century. In order to achieve the defined goal, the following
tasks have been performed: the definition of the term «homeotheleuton» has been formulated,
the types of homeotheleuton have been singled out for such features as the morphemic detection of
repeating elements, the syntactic function of homogeneous members, their contact in the sentence
and their location in the text.
The author concludes that homeotheleuton is a productive figure of stylistic syntax, actively
represented in the Ukrainian poetry of the second half of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century.
In the analyzed works, the following types of homeotheleuton were discovered: a) simple and
combined (by morphemic detection of repetitive elements); b) contact and distant (by contact in the
sentence); c) horizontal, vertical and diagonal (by «spatial» placement in the text); d) all possible
members of sentence, which have homogeneity in the corresponding microcontext, are represented
by executable syntactic function. Homeotheleuton shows a significant text creation potential both
at the level of creating a microcontext, and at the level of organization of semantically complete
and self-sufficient text.


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