Data supporting "Universality of Free Fall Shown by Orbital Motion of a Pulsar in a Stellar Triple System"
- 1. Anton Pannekoek Institute
- 2. Anton Pannekoek Institute, ASTRON
- 3. Swinburne
- 4. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- 5. West Virginia University, Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology
- 6. Green Bank Observatory, Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology
- 7. National Radio Astronomy Observatory Charlottesville
- 8. University of British Columbia
This is a collection of data supporting the research paper "Orbital Motion of a Pulsar in a Stellar Triple System Shows Universality of Free Fall".
The main data content (the ".tim" file) is a set of pulse arrival times, the primary input to the fitting process, in tempo2 format. These times are annotated with post-fit residuals and derivatives with respect to fit parameters using the tempo2 format's per-TOA flags.
Additional files include the data that went into several figures, plus the above converted to CSV format - but note that the CSV format does not record the pulse arrival times with sufficient precision to permit fitting. Derivative and uncertainty information may permit reanalysis of the systematics.