Published April 30, 2018 | Version v1
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The level of knowledge of high school students from lubelskie voivodeship about performing first aid


Wysocka Justyna, Pawlicka Marta, Bałabuszek Kamil, Mroczek Anna, Rzońca Patryk, Piecewicz-Szczęsna Halina. The level of knowledge of high school students from lubelskie voivodeship about performing first aid. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(5):70-82. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI






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Received: 02.04.2018. Revised: 12.04.2018. Accepted: 30.04.2018.






The level of knowledge of high school students from lubelskie voivodeship about performing first aid


Justyna Wysocka1, Marta Pawlicka1, Kamil Bałabuszek1, Anna Mroczek1, Patryk Rzońca2, Halina Piecewicz-Szczęsna3


1Student Research Circle at the Chair and Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Research Methodology, Medical University of Lublin

2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Lublin

3Chair and Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Research Methodology, Medical University of Lublin


Corresponding author: Halina Piecewicz-Szczęsna, e-mail:


Justyna Wysocka

Marta Pawlicka

Kamil Bałabuszek

Anna Mroczek

Patryk Rzońca

Halina Piecewicz-Szczęsna





First aid plays a key role in saving human life. It not only prevents the deterioration of the victim's health, but also determines survival. Every year, thousands of people die of various injuries, car accidents and other critical situations. This figure could be significantly lower if the accident witnesses provided first aid to the victims.

Material and method

Diagnostic survey was selected as the research method, and the research tool was an authorial questionnaire, examining the level of students' knowledge about first aid. It was based on the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council 2015. The questionnaire consisted of 20 closed single-choice questions and only one of the 4 answers was correct. The obtained results were statistically analyzed using STATISTICA 12 software (StatSoft Polska). For the correlation study the χ2 test was used, and the significance level was taken as p<0.05.


The aim of the study was to verify and compare the level of knowledge concerning first aid among high school and technical secondary school students.


Nearly 63% of people had first aid training and 59.6% of women and 39.7% of men had already been giving first aid. About 40% of the respondents believed that their level of knowledge was at a very good level, where in reality it was much lower.


Unfortunately, the general knowledge of first aid rules is unsatisfactory. The reason for this is a false belief that the acquired knowledge does not require repetition and updating.


Keywords: first aid; emergency medicine; resuscitation



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