Published December 1, 2002 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Radial tunnel syndrome in an elite power athlete: a case of direct compressive neuropathy


Radial tunnel syndrome (RTS) is thought to result from intermittent and dynamic compression of the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) in the proximal part of the forearm associated with repeated supination and pronation. The diagnostic criteria encompassing RTS are purely clinical and the term "radial tunnel syndrome" has become controversial because of the lack of focal motor weakness in the majority of patients diagnosed with RTS. Retrospective cadaveric and surgical studies have revealed several areas within the forearm in which the PIN may become entrapped. Recent studies have suggested that the PIN is "fixed" in the supinator muscle and that wrist pronation is the actual movement that places the most stress on the PIN. The patients most often afflicted with RTS appear to be those who perform repetitive manual tasks involving rotation of the forearm and athletes involved in racket sports. Surgical exploration with decompression of the PIN is often required in patients with RTS. We present the first case of RTS occurring in an elite power athlete and believe this case represents a direct compressive sensory neuropathy. The optimum nonsurgical treatment plan for the elite athlete in training for competition and the cause of this compressive neuropathy in power athletes will be discussed.



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