Published August 30, 1993 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The WSR-88D and the WSR-88D operational support facility


The Weather Surveillance Radar—1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) System is the product of the Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) program, a joint effort of the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Defense, and Transportation. WSR-88D Systems meet the common needs of the three agencies and are being installed across the United States and at selected overseas sites. These systems provide Doppler capabilities, increased receiver sensitivity, and real-time display of base and derived products that will enable forecasters to improve the detection of and give greater advanced warning of severe weather events. Many nonsevere weather and hydrological applications are also expected. WSR-88D Systems will be modified and enhanced during their operational life to meet changing requirements, technological advancements, and improved understanding of the application of these systems to real-time operations. The NEXRAD agencies established the Operational Support Facility (OSF) to provide centralized WSR-88D operator training and software, maintenance, and engineering support. This paper provides an overview of the NEXRAD program, the WSR-88D System, and the role of the OSF in supporting the WSR-88D and its users. Examples of some of the products are also presented. *U.S. Air Force, Headquarters Air Weather Service, Operating Location K, Norman, Oklahoma



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