Published April 5, 2018 | Version Printed and digital versions
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Lamminaho Wooden Estate: 3D laser scanner survey and post production results.

  • 1. University of Oulu - Finland


The dataset collects detailed information about the architecture and the environment of the historic place of Lamminaho, in Vaala region, Finland. The topic is included in the list of the case studies chosen by post doctoral fellow Sara Porzilli, who is working under Marie S. Curie Fellowship at the University of Oulu, Finland (School of Architecture, Department of "History of Architecture and Restoration Studies"). Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Anna-Maija Ylimaula. The study was promoted also by the "National Board of Antiquities (NBA) - Museovirasto "based in Helsinki (Responsible: Arch. Helena Hirviniemi) operating under the Directorate of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and "Senate Properties" (Responsible: Dr. Juha Keranen), partner and manager working under the Finnish government for the protection and protection of the Finnish heritage present on the territory of Italy and abroad. The research was dedicated to defining the methods for carrying out survey activities on historical wooden architecture, identifying the fundamental aspects of laser scanners methodologies and photogrammetric activities. The work has produced a detailed info-graphic atlas concerning all the buildings located in Lamminaho. The work had a theoretical approach, devoted on research and archival documentation. The results of the research are going to support all the practical activities of restoration and repair necessary in the process of musealization of the area.



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PresWoodenHeritage – Preserving Wooden Heritage. Methods for monitoring wooden structures: 3D laser scanner survey and application of BIM systems on point cloud models 746215
European Commission