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Published April 16, 2018 | Version 0.8.0
Software Open

simpeg/simpeg: Simulation and inversion of time domain IP data

  • 1. @simpeg, @geoscixyz, @ubcgif
  • 2. @seequent
  • 3. University of British Columbia
  • 4. University of British Columbia, Geophysical Inversion Facility
  • 5. Colorado School of Mines - Geophysics - CGEM
  • 6. 3point Science
  • 7. QuantifiedCode


Simulation and inversion of time domain IP
  • from pr: #590
  • commits from: @sgkang, @fourndo, @micmitch
  • review from: @lheagu
  1. Use stretched exponential (chargeability, time constant, frequency dependency) for parameterization

  2. Tested 2D and 3D SIP problems

  3. Deprecate Multiregularization and use combo objective function, so pulled ref/objectivefunctions branch - This is for inverting multiple parameters. Thanks @lheagy and @fourndo for combo objective functions, and @rowanc1 for wire implementation!

  4. Implement storeJ option for both IP and SIP problems (2D and 3D), which boost up speed for relatively small problems.

Example: True model

Recovered model

Data fit at the fist time channel:



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