20 GB in 10 minutes: Data linking across major biodiversity databases: Data supplements
This supplementary data publication contains:
links-globi-wd-ott.tsv.gz: aggregate list of taxon graphs from Open Tree of Life Taxonomy (OTT), GloBI and Wikidata. This tab separated two column table, describe the taxonomic identifiers (e.g., NCBI:9606) that map into OTT, GloBI and Wikidata. For instance, the line "NCBI:9689{tab}WD:Q140" indicates that wikidata links their lion (Panthera leo, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q140) to NCBI's lion (Panthera leo, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=9689).
wikidata-taxon-info20171227.tsv.gz: a terse 5 column file in tab-separated format of taxon objects extracted from WikiData. (2018). Wikidata dump 2017-12-27 [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1211767 . The columns contain the following:
- wikidata taxon item id (e.g., Q140 or https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q140)
- scientific name of taxon item id (e.g., Panthera leo, Mammalia)
- rank id of the taxon item id (e.g., Q7432 species or https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7432). To retrieve a full list of wikidata taxon rank ids and their common names, you can use sparql to query wikidata (e.g., Nomer's WikidataTaxonRankLoader ).
- parent ids if taxon item id using pipes "|" as separators if there's multiple parents. Please note that some taxon items have multiple parents (e.g., https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q774014).
- external taxonomic identifiers that taxon item link to (e.g. "ITIS:162532|EOL:8266|GBIF:2960|WORMS:125440") . If muliple are present, pipes "|" are used to separate the links. Only a selection of taxonomic schemes was used, namely: NCBI, GBIF, ITIS, WORMS, FISHBASE, IF (index fungorum) and EOL.
The datasets can be recreated by scripts in https://github.com/bio-guoda/guoda-datasets/tree/master/wikidata or https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1428949 .
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