Published March 22, 2018 | Version v1
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FIGURE 5 in New species of glass knifefish Eigenmannia loretana (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) from the Western Amazon


FIGURE 5. High resolution computed tomography renderings of Eigenmannia loretana ANSP 202364, 130 mm, 94 mm LEA, Peru, Loreto, Cocha Santa Thomas, affluent to Río Nanay, Iquitos. A) dorsal view of the head, B) lateral view of the head. bao = basioccipital, den = dentary, end = endopterygoid, epo = epioccipital, exo = exoccipital, exs = extrascapular, fro = frontal, hyo = hyomandibula, let = lateral ethmoid, max = maxilla, mes = mesethmoid, met = metapterygoid, obs = orbitosphenoid, ope = opercle, par = parietal, pas = parasphenoid, pmx = premaxilla, pre = preopercle, pro = prootic, pto = pterotic, pts = pterosphenoid, qua = quadrate, soc = supraoccipital, spo = sphenotic, sub = subopercle, vet = ventral ethmoid, vom = vomer. Scale bar = 5 mm.


Published as part of Waltz, Brandon T. & Albert, James S., 2018, New species of glass knifefish Eigenmannia loretana (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) from the Western Amazon, pp. 399-411 in Zootaxa 4399 (3) on page 408, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.3.9,



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