Published March 23, 2018 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Is USP5 Zf-UBD a dimer?

  • 1. University of Toronto, Structural Genomics Consortium


Determination of the molar mass of USP5 zinc finger ubiquitin binding domain (Zf-UBD) using size exclusion chromatography with multiple angle light scattering (SEC-MALS). 


Funding Acknowledgment: The SGC is a registered charity (number 1097737) that receives funds from AbbVie, Bayer Pharma AG, Boehringer Ingelheim, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Eshelman Institute for Innovation, Genome Canada through Ontario Genomics Institute [OGI-055], Innovative Medicines Initiative (EU/EFPIA) [ULTRA-DD grant no. 115766], Janssen, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, MSD, Novartis Pharma AG, Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science (MRIS), Pfizer, São Paulo Research Foundation-FAPESP, Takeda, and Wellcome.


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