Published April 7, 2017 | Version 2
Project deliverable Open

Data Management Plan

  • 1. NOBATEK


In accordance with H2020 guidelines related to data management, every participant projects to the pilot action on open access to research data should develop a Data Management Plan (DMP) in which they specify what data will be open. According to these guidelines, a DMP should detail:

  • What data the project will collect and generate;
  • Whether, and how, this data will be exploited or shared and made accessible/open for verification and re-use;
  • How this data will be curated and preserved.

In that frame, this document constitutes the Data Management Plan and strategy for the open data treatment within the HIT2GAP project. The document also specifies the data that are maintained confidential and explains why. It should be noted that this document belongs to the Work Package number 1 of the HIT2GAP project which is responsible for collecting the requirements. The overall requirements of the project are directly related to the collected data in the project that will be used by data processing modules for energy saving purposes. These modules will generate new data related to the energy saving and can feed energy management tools developed during the project lifespan. This document is likely to evolve during the project life-cycle and be updated to include new data sets and new results sets. This version of the document is the second version corresponding to the update expected at the end of the first period of the project (M18). It includes the refined list of data collected and generated as well as solutions for the repository of data sets selected within the HIT2GAP project.



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HIT2GAP – Highly Innovative building control Tools Tackling the energy performance GAP 680708
European Commission