Published March 20, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Сучасна лінгвофемінізація: родова диференціація, перифрастична номінація


The article deals with a topical and largely unexplored problem: 1) formation of integral gender equality in the fields of domestic and international activities; 2) specific features of feminitive creation according to the two principles: a) gender differentiation; b) periphrastic nomination. The aim of the paper is to ascertain specific features of semantic classification of descriptive names created by different linguistic means for females engaged in political activities; to identify intrinsic features of semantic groups of periphrastic feminitives, their connotative potential. The author has characterized ways of differentiation of the feminine gender category as one of important means of reflecting modern gender processes. The main focus is given to figuring out peculiarities of the secondary nomination of females in the periphrastic sphere: the criteria of differentiation of periphrastic feminitives, semantic groups of descriptive expressions, lexical and semantic content, and axiological properties of these groups and their separate constituent parts have been defined. The article has inventoried onomasiological markers of certain concrete meanings of the periphrasis, in which formation determined and determining parts take part. The author has located internal and external systemic links existing between semantic groups of the studied units in the linguistic and sociolinguistic background.



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