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Published March 19, 2018 | Version 0.9.4
Software Open

DGtal-team/DGtal: Release 0.9.4


DGtal 0.9.4 New Features / Critical Changes

  • Shapes

    • Mesh Voxelizer using 6- or 26-separability templated (David Coeurjolly, Monir Hadji, #1209)
  • Topology Package

    • Adding the half-edge data structure to represent arbitrary two-dimensional combinatorial surfaces with or without boundary (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud #1266)
    • Add VoxelComplex, an extension for CubicalComplex, implementing the Critical-Kernels framework, based on the work of M.Couprie and G.Bertrand on isthmus. (Pablo Hernandez, #1147)
  • Shapes Package

    • Adding classes and helpers to create triangulated surfaces and polygonal surfaces to convert them from/to mesh, as well as a conversion from digital surfaces to dual triangulated or polygonal surface (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud #1266)
  • Geometry Package

    • Laplace-Beltrami operators on digital surfaces. (Thomas Caissard, #1303)
  • Math package

    • New SimpleMatrix constructor with a initializer_list argument (Nicolas Normand, #1250)
  • IO

    • New simple way to extend the QGLViewer-based Viewer3D interface, for instance to add callbacks to key or mouse events, or to modify what is drawn on the window. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, #1259)
    • TableReader can now read all elements contained in each line of a file with the new method getLinesElementsFromFile(). (Bertrand Kerautret, #1260)
    • New ImageMagick writer to export images to PNG or JPG formats for instance. (David Coeurjolly, #1304)
    • SimpleDistanceColorMap new colormap to easily display distance maps. (David Coeurjolly, #1302)
    • Fix in MagicReader allowing to load colored images. (David Coeurjolly, #1305)
    • Include New ImageMagick writer in GenericWriter. (Bertrand Kerautret, #1306)
Bug Fixes
  • Build

    • Fix compilation by using DGtal from swift wrapping (Bertrand Kerautret, #1309)
    • Fix C++11 cmake flags and cmake >3.1 is now required (David Coeurjolly, Pablo H Cerdan, #1290)
    • Fix HDF5 link missing in compilation (Bertrand Kerautret, #1301)
    • Fix compilation with QGLViewer (2.7.x) and Qt5 (Boris Mansencal, #1300)
  • Shapes Package

    • Fix ImplicitPolynomial3Shape and TrueDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator. Improves projection operator on implicit surface and curvature computations. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, #1279)
  • Configuration/General

    • Upgrading the benchmarks to match with the new google-benchmark API (David Coeurjolly, #1244)
    • The documentation mainpage now refers to the DGtalTools documentation (David Coeurjolly, #1249)
    • Fix ITK related try_compile command to work for non-default locations. (Pablo Hernandez, #1286)
  • IO

    • Fix for compilation with 2.7.0 QGLViewer version. (Bertrand Kerautret, #1280)
    • Fix on the ITK reader when used with a functor which is not able to handle 32/16 bits images. Also includes a new testITKReader and ITK tests in GenericReader. (Bertrand Kerautret, #1255)
    • Viewer3D: fix bad light source move according X/Y mouse move and new Key_Z to move away/closer the light source. (Bertrand Kerautret, #1262)
    • Fix ImageContainerByITKImage, fill the itk image buffer with 0 when using the domain constructor. (Pablo Hernandez, #1307)
  • Kernel Package

    • Fix testBasicPointFunctor. (Bertrand Kerautret #1245)
  • Arithmetic Package

    • Fix SternBrocot and variants static instanciations. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud #1293)
  • Topology Package

    • Fix invalid KhalimskyCell coordinates in ctopo-fillContours.cpp example. (Roland Denis, #1296)
  • Documentation

    • Add import with functors in GenericReader in the main default reader. (mainly motivated to show documentation of specialized version of importWithValueFunctor and importWithColorFunctor). The tiff format was also added to the generic readers when ITK is present (Bertrand Kerautret 1251)
    • Fix exampleArithDSS3d compilation (which was not activated). (Bertrand Kerautret #1254)
  • DEC

    • Fix dependencies flags for DEC examples. (Jean-David Génevaux, #1310)



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