Published March 17, 2018 | Version v1
Video/Audio Restricted

Duhumbi Azhi Lamu

  • 1. Bern University/Tezpur University


Short description: This collection of videos, audio and photo files displays Duhumbi Azhi Lamu dance.

One of the most famous examples of Duhumbi and Monpa immaterial culture is the Azhi Lamu (also Ashi Lampa, Achi Lampu or Ace Lhamo, from Tib. a-lce lha-mo ‘sister goddess’) dramatic dance form. 

This material is made freely available to everyone for informative or scientific purposes as long as the source (this DOI) / the collectors are properly credited. Please note that use of the material for commercial purposes of any kind, which includes conversion into commercial audio-visual media (documentaries etc.), storage and dissemination through sites that require registration & payment for access, or sites that rely on advertisement (including YouTube) is not permitted without specific written consent from the speakers and their community, obtained through the collectors of the material. By downloading our material, you agree to these restrictions.

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Tim Bodt: bodttim (at) gmail (dot) com



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Strategische Zielsetzungen im Subkontinent 100015_138331
Swiss National Science Foundation