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Published March 14, 2018 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Ant and termite assemblages along a tropical forest disturbance gradient in Sabah, Malaysia: A study of co-variation and trophic interactions


  • 1. University of East Anglia


Contact person:

  • 1. Imperial College London



Termite community composition from soil pits and deadwood

Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Ant and termite assemblages along a tropical forest disturbance gradient in Sabah, Malaysia: A study of co-variation and trophic interactions

XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here

Data worksheets: There are 3 data worksheets in this dataset:

  1. Functional traits (Worksheet Function)

    Dimensions: 36 rows by 3 columns

    Description: Functional traits associated with each genus


    • Genus: Genus ID (Field type: Taxa)
    • Humification gradient (Field type: Categorical Trait)

  2. Soil pit data (Worksheet SoilPits)

    Dimensions: 954 rows by 35 columns

    Description: Termite community composition from soil pits


    • 2nd.order.point: SAFE Project sample site (Field type: Location)
    • Quadrat.number.( Quadrat number (Field type: ID)
    • Date: Date of sample collection (Field type: Date)
    • Pit.number: Pit number within the plot (Field type: Replicate)
    • Time: Time samples were collected (Field type: Time)
    • No..of.termites: Number adult termites (Field type: Abundance)
    • No.juvenile.termites: Number juvenile termites (Field type: Abundance)
    • Unknown: Number of damaged individuals or individuals that can't definitively be assigned to genera (Field type: Abundance)
    • Dicuspiditermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Schedorhinotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Prohamitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Malaysiotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Mirocapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Hypotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Procapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Homatermes.undescribed.genus: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Termes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Syncapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Pericapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Microcerotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Macrotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Globitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Lacessititermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Pseudocapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Homallotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Oriencapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Oriensublitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Labritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Euramitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Rhinotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Nasutitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Bulbitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Odontotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Heterotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)

  3. Deadwood data (Worksheet Deadwood)

    Dimensions: 138 rows by 23 columns

    Description: Termite community composition from deadwood


    • 2nd.order.point: SAFE Project sample site (Field type: Location)
    • Quadrat.number.( Quadrat number (Field type: ID)
    • Date: Date of sample collection (Field type: Date)
    • Wood.sample: Wood piece within Quadrat (Field type: Replicate)
    • Time: Time samples were collected (Field type: Time)
    • No..of.termites: Number adult termites (Field type: Abundance)
    • No.juvenile.termites: Number juvenile termites (Field type: Abundance)
    • Unknown: Number of damaged individuals or individuals that can't definitively be assigned to genera (Field type: Abundance)
    • Dicuspiditermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Schedorhinotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Homallotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Bulbitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Macrotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Globitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Nasutitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Heterotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Syncapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Malaysiotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Parrhinotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Pericapritermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Rhinotermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)
    • Aciculitermes: Number of individuals (Field type: Abundance)

Date range: 2010-04-21 to 2010-05-25

Latitudinal extent: 4.6353 to 4.7520

Longitudinal extent: 116.9542 to 117.6288

Taxonomic coverage:
All taxon names are validated against the GBIF backbone taxonomy. If a dataset uses a synonym, the accepted usage is shown followed by the dataset usage in brackets. Taxa that cannot be validated, including new species and other unknown taxa, morphospecies, functional groups and taxonomic levels not used in the GBIF backbone are shown in square brackets.

 - Arthropoda
 -  - Insecta
 -  -  - Isoptera
 -  -  -  -  - Aciculitermes
 -  -  -  -  - [Euramitermes]
 -  -  -  -  - Homallotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Hypotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Mirocapritermes
 -  -  -  -  - Procapritermes
 -  -  -  -  - Prohamitermes
 -  -  -  -  - Pseudocapritermes
 -  -  -  - Rhinotermitidae
 -  -  -  -  - Heterotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Parrhinotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Rhinotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Schedorhinotermes
 -  -  -  - Termitidae
 -  -  -  -  - Bulbitermes
 -  -  -  -  - Dicuspiditermes
 -  -  -  -  - Globitermes
 -  -  -  -  - Labritermes
 -  -  -  -  - [Lacessititermes]
 -  -  -  -  - Macrotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Malaysiotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Microcerotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Nasutitermes
 -  -  -  -  - Odontotermes
 -  -  -  -  - Oriencapritermes
 -  -  -  -  - Oriensubulitermes
 -  -  -  -  - Pericapritermes
 -  -  -  -  - Syncapritermes
 -  -  -  -  - Termes
 -  -  -  -  - Hodotermes
 -  - [Homatermes.undescribed.genus]


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