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Published March 15, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Structural changes in the Russian economy as a source of economic growth

  • 1. Oryol State Institute of Economy and Trade


The economy of a country committed to sustainable economic growth. Stable economic growth is a source of employment growth, changes in the structure of public needs, development of innovative sectors of economy, strengthening global integration processes. Current state of the economy of Russia is characterized by a significant gap in the pace and directions of structural changes in the economy compared to Western countries. Recently, however, the Russian economy experiences significant structural changes under the influence of sanctions from the Western countries and due to internal factors of the economy. The Russian economy has considerable economic potential, consisting of a large number of raw materials, skilled labour, natural resources, climatic conditions, therefore, it is necessary to create new production to import substitution, export development and the formation of an ideal economic system in the country. All parts of the economic system and their interrelationships in need of deep changes.

In our opinion, the development of theoretical provisions and recommendations on structural transformation of the economy, contributing to the diversification of production, the development of material-technical base, development of sustainable mechanisms for the production, distribution and exchange in accordance with the needs of society and available resources, to replace imported products with domestic goods, can help management to develop a set of measures for stable and sustainable development of the Russian economy.


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