Published March 14, 2018 | Version v1
Dataset Open

A preliminary study of the allochthonous inputs into tropical streams across a land use gradient in Sabah, Malaysia

  • 1. Imperial College London


Contact person:

  • 1. Imperial College London



Leaf and invertebrate biomass in streams

Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: A preliminary study of the allochthonous inputs into tropical streams across a land use gradient in Sabah, Malaysia

XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here

Data worksheets: There are 2 data worksheets in this dataset:

  1. Insects (Worksheet Insects)

    Dimensions: 23 rows by 11 columns

    Description: Insect capture rates


    • Location: SAFE project riparian site (Field type: Location)
    • Stream: SAFE project stream (Field type: ID)
    • Repeat: sample number for that stream (Field type: ID)
    • Total Mass of Insects (g): the total dried mass of insects collected for each of the repeats (Field type: Numeric)
    • Total Insects: the total number of insects collected in each repeat (Field type: Abundance)
    • Hymenoptera: the total number of hymenoptera in each repeat (Field type: Abundance)
    • Diptera: the total number of diptera in each repeat (Field type: Abundance)
    • Coleoptera: the total number of coleoptera in each repeat (Field type: Abundance)
    • Other.Insect: the grouped total of Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Orthoptera, Blattodea, Trichoptera, Mantodea, Ephemeroptera, Dermaptera for each repeat (Field type: Abundance)
    • Other: the grouped total of Arachnida, Entognatha, Diplopoda, Chilopoda for each repeat (Field type: Abundance)

  2. Hydrology (Worksheet Hydrology)

    Dimensions: 60 rows by 17 columns

    Description: River characteristics and litter quantities


    • Location: SAFE project riparian site (Field type: Location)
    • Stream Code: The stream from which the sample was taken (LFE, 15m, 30m, VJR or OP) (Field type: ID)
    • Transect No.: The point of each sample within the 100m transect at each stream (Field type: ID)
    • Channel Width: The bank full width of the channel at this point (Field type: Numeric)
    • Wetted Width: The width of the runnin water at this point (Field type: Numeric)
    • SAFE Habitat Quality Right: the SAFE Habitat quality on the right of the channel when looking upstream (Field type: Ordered Categorical)
    • SAFE Habitat Quality Centre: the SAFE Habitat quality in the centre of the channel when looking upstream (Field type: Ordered Categorical)
    • SAFE Habitat Quality Left: the SAFE Habitat quality on the left of the channel when looking upstream (Field type: Ordered Categorical)
    • Flow Rate Right (s): the time taken for a tennis ball to travel 10m in the water on the right of the channel when looking upstream (Field type: Numeric)
    • Flow Rate Centre (s): the time taken for a tennis ball to travel 10m in the water in the centre of the channel when looking upstream (Field type: Numeric)
    • Flow Rate Left (s): the time taken for a tennis ball to travel 10m in the water on the left of the channel when looking upstream (Field type: Numeric)
    • Average Flow Rate (s): an average of flow rate centre, flow rate left and flow rate right (Field type: Numeric)
    • Leaf Litter Retention (g): the dried mass of leaf litter retained across the wetted width of the stream at each point (Field type: Numeric)
    • Average Substrate Size: the average size of the substrate across the channel width of the stream at each point (Field type: Numeric)
    • Leaf Litter Trap Position: the position where the leaf litter trap was placed relative to the stream when looking upstream (left, right or centre) (Field type: Categorical)
    • Leaf Litter Mass: the dried mass of leaf litter collected in the leaf litter trap at each point (Field type: Numeric)

Date range: 2017-02-06 to 2017-07-06

Latitudinal extent: 4.6314 to 4.7273

Longitudinal extent: 117.4556 to 117.6233

Taxonomic coverage:
All taxon names are validated against the GBIF backbone taxonomy. If a dataset uses a synonym, the accepted usage is shown followed by the dataset usage in brackets. Taxa that cannot be validated, including new species and other unknown taxa, morphospecies, functional groups and taxonomic levels not used in the GBIF backbone are shown in square brackets.

 - Arthropoda
 -  - Insecta
 -  -  - Coleoptera
 -  -  - Diptera
 -  -  - Hymenoptera
 -  - [Other.Insect]


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