Published July 27, 2017 | Version v1
Figure Open

BRAIN Journal-Swarm Robotics with Circular Formation Motion Including Obstacles Avoidance-Figure 7. The first obstacle with 100 robots after passing some robots

  • 1. Department of Computer Science College of Information Technology University of Bahrain, Bahrain
  • 2. Department of Computer Science College of Information Technology Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine


The pseudo code description to move the group set to avoid the predefined first obstacle as shown later in experimentation section. First obstacle crossing is given in Algorithm 5 and Figure 7. 

Algorithm 5: Move Swarm Robotics Over First Obstacles

Purpose: Avoid First Obstacles one robot can pass through obstacles

.Input: Constant W= Width Of Gap on Obstacles, Oc= Center of Gap begin of Obstacle Oc2= Center of Gap end of Obstacle {p1,p2,p3} position of three robots on circumference of group set circle GSN group set number

{P1,…,Pn}set of position for robots on group set {r1,…,rn }∈GSN DRH Distance Swarm Robotics Will Stop in Before Obstacles Cxy' New Circular Formation Center After Avoid Obstacles Cg: =cx, cy center of group set 



Figure 7. The first obstacle with 100 robots after passing some robots.JPG