Published February 12, 2018 | Version 3.1
Project deliverable Open

D2.1 Definition of Use Cases, Service Requirements and KPIs


This deliverable describes the work done in T2.1 and is based on selected Service Use Cases, which are representative of the three service types as defined by 3GPP. Their analysis has resulted in the derivation of the main KPIs that the Metro-Haul architecture needs to satisfy. Each Use Case has been decomposed into their components and requirements, which are then mapped onto the end-to-end network infrastructure.
The holistic view of all the possible services running over a metro network as envisioned by Metro-Haul has allowed to describe the main characteristics such a network must have, which will enable the services as envisioned by the 5G-PPP. This document provides detailed analysis of the service KPIs and subsequent requirements have provided key objectives, definition, and apportionment of the service KPIs for the Metro-Haul network vision.


D2.1-Definition of Use Cases, Service Requirements and KPIs.pdf

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METRO-HAUL – METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency 761727
European Commission