Published February 12, 2018 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D4.3: Final report on the work on representation, archiving and provision of Object-based Audio


This deliverable describes the representation, archiving and provision of object-based audio. It builds on D4.1, which describes the requirements, and D4.2, which describes the selected and used formats. This deliverable describes the implementation experience gained during the project, especially for the Audio Definition Model and the metadata formats for non-linear reproduction.
This deliverable also serves as a documentation of milestone MS4.3 “Final implementation and documentation of formats for representation, archiving and provision of object-based audio” which has been achieved on 31/01/18.


Orpheus-D4.3_Final report on representation, archiving and provision of OBA.pdf

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ORPHEUS – Object-based broadcasting – for European leadership in next generation audio experiences 687645
European Commission