Recommended Practices and Final Public Report on Pilots
- Alföldi, István1
- Réthy, István1
- Wilson, Andrew2
- Billenness, Clive2
- Nielsen, Anders Bo3
- Tømmerholt, Phillip Mike3
- Thirifays, Alex3
- Berg, Hans Fredrik4
- Pettersen-Dahl, Terje4
- Groven, Arne-Kristian4
- Kärberg, Tarvo5
- Oolu, Karin5
- Ruusalepp, Raivo6
- Rand, Ats6
- Završnik, Gregor7
- Domajnko, Boris7
- Skofljanec, Joze7
- Ferreira, Miguel8
- Lux, Zoltán1
- József, Mezei1
- Anderson, David2
- Anderson, Janet2
- 1. National Archives of Hungary
- 2. University of Brighton
- 3. Danish National Archive
- 4. National Archives of Norway
- 5. National Archive of Estonia
- 6. Estonian Business Archive
- 7. National Archives of Slovenia
- 8. KEEP Solutions
This report summarizes pilot activities, achievements and best practice recommendations using the following chapter structure:
Chapter 1 - This introductory chapter.
Chapter 2 - Planning and executing the E-ARK pilots Summary of all pilot related activities in the 3 years of the pilot, from planning to evaluation.
Chapter 3 - Pilot overview A brief overview of the full-scale and additional pilots.
Chapter 4 - Pilot report Summary of the pilot execution and results with recommended practices and further development recommendations. The chapter consists of the following sections for each full-scale pilot:
- Pilot scenario details
- Execution report
- Changes to previous plans
- Feedback report, and
- Recommended practices and lessons learnt.
Chapter 4 ends with an overview of the external evaluations performed by non-EARK member organizations.
Chapter 5 - Pilot evaluation Evaluation of the full-scale pilot against project objectives and success criteria.
Chapter 6 - Referenced documents and web pages
Appendix 1 – Extract from E-ARK Description of Work
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