Published April 1, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Experimental Demonstration of Multivendor and Multidomain EON With Data and Control Interoperability Over a Pan-European Test Bed

  • 1. Telefónica I+D
  • 2. Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
  • 3. CNIT-Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
  • 4. Coriant R&D
  • 5. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
  • 6. Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs
  • 7. University of Bristol
  • 8. Telecom Italia
  • 9. Alcatel-Lucent
  • 10. Eindhoven University of Technology


The operation of multidomain and multivendor EONs can be achieved by interoperable sliceable bandwidth variable transponders (S-BVTs), a GMPLS/BGP-LS-based control plane, and a planning tool. The control plane is extended to include the control of S-BVTs and elastic cross connects, which combine a large port-count fiber-switch (optical backplane) and bandwidth-variable wavelength-selective switches, enabling the end-to-end provisioning and recovery of network services. A multipartner testbed is built to demonstrate and validate the proposed end-to-end architecture. Interoperability among S-BVTs is experimentally tested between different implementations. In this case, transponders are configured using the proposed control plane. The achieved performance with hard-decision and soft-decision FECs using only the information distributed by the control plane is measured against the performance of the single-vendor implementation, where proprietary information is used, demonstrating error-free transmission up to 300 km.


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