Published January 21, 2018 | Version author last draft
Presentation Open

SUMCASTEC_180121_NA_IMS17WSPresentation_Workshop IMS Conference paper_.pdf_Bath_C. Hancock_Partners and public_Last draft

  • 1. Creo Medical Ltd.


Workshop presentation in the frame of the 2017 International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Honolulu (HI), June 4-9, 2017. The WFS workshop was held on June 9th and focused on "Thermal vs non-thermal effects of electromagnetic waves for biomedical applications ".


SUMCASTEC_180121_NA_IMS17WSPresentation_Workshop IMS Conference paper_.pdf_Bath_C. Hancock_Partners and public_Last draft amended.pdf

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SUMCASTEC – Semiconductor-based Ultrawideband Micromanipulation of CAncer STEm Cells 737164
European Commission