Published December 12, 2017 | Version 1.0
Report Open

Intellectual Property Issues in Open Science, pre-competitive Research and Open Innovation

  • 1. Dr. Zacherl OG, Vienna, Austria
  • 2. Medical University of Graz, Austria


This report deals with specificities of different ways of scientific result and data production regarding persons involved. Intensity and content of communication and collaboration as well as the number of persons involved and their specific qualifications differ. Those different ways of doing research impact differently on Intellectual Property (IP) and have economic consequences.

This report focuses on various aspects of IP in the context of Open Science (OS), Pre-competitive Projects and Open Innovation (OI), in particular. These different ways of scientific result and data production show some specific common features as well as specific distinctions that will be briefly demonstrated and their impacts on IP and finally on innovation discussed.


CORBEL_IP Issues in OS pre competitive Research and OI_2017.pdf

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CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services 654248
European Commission