Published July 1, 2015
| Version 10001925
Journal article
Examining of Tool Wear in Cryogenic Machining of Cobalt-Based Haynes 25 Superalloy
Haynes 25 alloy (also known as L-605 alloy) is cobalt
based super alloy which has widely applications such as aerospace
industry, turbine and furnace parts, power generators and heat
exchangers and petroleum refining components due to its excellent
characteristics. However, the workability of this alloy is more
difficult compared to normal steels or even stainless. In present work,
an experimental investigation was performed under cryogenic
cooling to determine cutting tool wear patterns and obtain optimal
cutting parameters in turning of cobalt based superalloy Haynes 25.
In experiments, uncoated carbide tool was used and cutting speed (V)
and feed rate (f) were considered as test parameters. Tool wear
(VBmax) were measured for process performance indicators.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine the
importance of machining parameters.
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