Published April 4, 2015 | Version 10001262
Journal article Open

Determination of Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Pofaki Variety of Pea


In this research the effect of moisture at three levels
(47, 57, and 67 w.b.%) on the physical properties of the Pofaki pea
variety including, dimensions, geometric mean diameter, volume,
sphericity index and the surface area was determined. The influence
of different moisture levels (47, 57 and 67 w.b.%), in two loading
orientation (longitudinal and transverse) and three loading speed (4,6
and 8 mm min-1) on the mechanical properties of pea such as
maximum deformation, rupture force, rupture energy, toughness and
the power to break the pea was investigated. It was observed in the
physical properties that moisture changes were affective at 1% on,
dimensions, geometric mean diameter, volume, sphericity index and
the surface area. It was observed in the mechanical properties that
moisture changes were effective at 1% on, maximum deformation,
rupture force, rupture energy, toughness and the power to break.
Loading speed was effective on maximum deformation, rupture
force, rupture energy at 1% and it was effective on toughness at 5%.
Loading orientation was effective on maximum deformation, rupture
force, rupture energy, toughness at 1% and it was effective on power
at 5%. The mutual effect of speed and orientation were effective on
rupture energy at 1% and were effective on toughness at 5%
probability. The mutual effect of moisture and speed were effective
on rupture force and rupture energy at 1% and were effective on
toughness 5% probability. The mutual effect of orientation and
moisture on rupture energy and toughness were effective at 1%.



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